Hello everyone out there in cyber space! That means you, me, and last but not least, Max Headroom. I am pretty sure Neo, Tamara Adama, Tron, and the Lawnmower Man (among others) will be reading this as well since they live in all of our computers. Maybe Pamela Anderson lives in a computer as well, that would explain all the computer viruses out there. Anyway, I am back and better than ever! NOTE: Results may vary in regards to me being "better".
Earlier this week I actually got a haircut. I no longer look like Cousin It's hairier brother, so that's a bummer. On the upside, I can actually see now so I think I made the right decision to get a haircut. :-P
I also went to see a couple of movies this week that I enjoyed a lot. I went to see "Clash of the Titans" (in 2D) and "Kick-Ass". Both movies were very good. I actually enjoyed "Kick-Ass" more but I've been a big fan of the comic since it came out. "Kick-Ass" lived up to the hype and more. I hope I can say the same thing about "Iron Man 2" soon, only time will tell.
Earlier this week I actually got a haircut. I no longer look like Cousin It's hairier brother, so that's a bummer. On the upside, I can actually see now so I think I made the right decision to get a haircut. :-P
I also went to see a couple of movies this week that I enjoyed a lot. I went to see "Clash of the Titans" (in 2D) and "Kick-Ass". Both movies were very good. I actually enjoyed "Kick-Ass" more but I've been a big fan of the comic since it came out. "Kick-Ass" lived up to the hype and more. I hope I can say the same thing about "Iron Man 2" soon, only time will tell.

I'm really looking forward to the last episode of "Lost" coming at the end of May. I will be sad when it ends as well, but after six years and more questions than answers, the resolution of the heroes and villains of "Lost" is something I have been looking forward to for quite some time. The last few seasons of "Lost" have been a great return to form. After an incredible first season, a good but not great second season, and a so-so third season, I was about to give up on the show (like a lot of people did). I never really loved the long story arc featuring the Others. Most of those characters were so unlikable that it made the show very hard to muscle through at times. Thankfully, season 4 was a vast improvement over season 3. The story went a different and more interesting direction. Season 5 actually topped season 4 as "Lost" successfully included a season long arc that was heavy on science fiction. Season 6, at least so far, looks to give the first season a run for it's money as the best season of the show. This season's success (and perhaps the shows overall success) will rest on the strength of the finale.
I also just saw the trailer of the upcoming J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg film "Super 8". The movie looks promising and I look forward to finding out more about this top secret movie. The trailer doesn't reveal much but perhaps that isn't such a bad thing. Plus, any movie that features a story by J.J. Abrams and the great Steven Spielberg is at least worth a watch.
For those of you who don't know me well, I am a movie memorabilia collector. I love movie posters and I own a lot of original movie posters, both new and vintage. I have been studying movie posters for a while now (I know, sounds funny, but I can now tell the differences between original movie posters and reprints and reproductions). I know what to look for and the differences that movie posters have went through over the ages. There are a couple of original movie posters I look for on E-Bay every now and then like "Superman: The Movie" in hopes that I can pick one up for a reasonable price. lol
On a fun note, I've had a sore throat this past week and I've been hardly able to speak for the past couple of days. It hasn't been fun for me, but I'm sure it's been fun for my family and my friends. lol I'm sure one of them has prayed for this day to happen. I hope my sore throat clears up shortly and allows me to talk for more than a minute without my voice fading. lol
Well, I better get going. It's getting late and I'm sure my life has bored you long enough. lol Take care everyone!
I bet you must like movies. When are you going to get that movie script you are writing finished?